Tar River Land Conservancy volunteers make a difference in their communities by helping protect open space, water quality and wildlife habitat. Plus, it’s fun! Volunteers are needed for a variety of tasks, including those listed below. If you would like to volunteer, please fill out our VOLUNTEER FORM, and email or mail to:
Tar River Land Conservancy
P.O. Box 1161
Louisburg, NC 27549
TRAIL CREW VOLUNTEER: Help TRLC build public hiking trails on the Roberts Chapel Conservation Area at 792 Roberts Chapel Rd, Stem, NC 27581. All skill levels are needed and welcomed. We provide the tools and the training. Visit TRLC’s pages on VolunterMatch.org or ActivateGood.org to see specific dates and learn more. Special trail building events can be scheduled for school groups or corporate groups looking for an outdoor educational opportunity. Contact us at 919-496-5902 or volunteer@tarriver.org to become a Trail Crew Volunteer or to explore a trail building event for your group!
OUTREACH VOLUNTEER: Generate awareness and support for TRLC by volunteering at tabling events in the Triangle area and in our service area. Tabling events involve handing out materials and discussing our programs with the public. The only requirements are energy, enthusiasm, the ability to speak about Tar River programs, and approximately fifteen hours a year during the workday.
OFFICE VOLUNTEER: Help keep TRLC organized and efficient by working on mailings, copying, filings, website updates, scanning documents and other general office tasks. A willingness to help TRLC is the only requirement. Cheerfulness is a plus.
EVENT VOLUNTEER: Enjoy the event while helping TRLC plan and organize outreach programs, hikes, paddling trips, fundraising gatherings and the annual Field Day on the Farm. All types of assistance are welcome. Special skills such as photography, knowledge of flora, fauna or local history, and musical talent are especially needed.
STEWARDSHIP VOLUNTEER: Spend a day hiking through the woods, along creeks, or across a farm, while helping TRLC staff monitor one or more of our conserved properties. Take part in a workday removing trash, building a trail, or removing invasive plant species. Help paint boundary lines and nail up signs. Stewardship volunteers must be in good health, able to walk several miles, tolerant of high heat, and not afraid of biting bugs. If you have read this far, you should get in touch with us. Being a stewardship volunteer is one of the best ways to see our good work up close.
ADOPT A PROPERTY: “Adopt” one of the tracts owned by TRLC to visit periodically, providing a presence on the land and alerting staff to unwanted uses or things that need attention. A site can be adopted by more than one person or by a group.